Fluoride: Poison on Tap (Digital File)

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Fluoride action groups are near the end of their lawsuits against federal agencies for harming citizens through fluoride and through hiding data about fluoride, with verdicts expected late 2023 and 2024. The knowledge in the documentary, Fluoride: Poison on Tap has never been more relevant for your health, community, and nation. 

The lie was sold counting on our ignorance to give a pass to evil intent. But 70 years in fluoridation history is due to be overthrown with facts.
If you'd like to own the documentary that unravels the shocking secrets and deception of a corrupt industry that has been poisoning communities for generations, Fluoride: Poison on Tap is for you. You'll support the filmmaker while gaining a powerful knowledge tool for discovering health hazards, fraudulent findings, and corporate corruption. FLUORIDE: POISON ON TAP, will be a continuous inspiration for you and others to actively take back our healthy water for good! 

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