Still on the fence about purchasing your copy of Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft? Listen to what she has to say.
The skills you need for when the emergency lasts a long time
“Hyperinflation, devastating floods, supply chain failures, extreme heat and cold, global pandemics, DEW fires, drought, dollar devaluation, power outages, food shortages, water contamination. The 2020s have not started well for most of us.”
I’ve been prepared for decades. I knew disruptions were on the horizon. But, I never thought some of what we've experienced would happen so quickly. Not too long ago, my elderly mother died peacefully in her sleep. Of course, I knew it was going to happen sometime (she was 93 years old and bedridden). But when it did happen, although it wasn’t a surprise, it certainly was a shock.”
I’ve known for many years that the crisis we are facing now will happen. And, like my mom dying, it wasn’t a surprise, but it still was a shock. I bet it’s a shock for you, too. The worst of it is that there's no end in sight. And it's all only likely to get worse as our "modern" systems continue to fail us.”
It’s 2025, and the Deagel Report predicts two-thirds of Americans will die this year
“Who knows if the well-funded, CIA-backed, military think tank” The Deagel Group” is correct or not? But this year has already started with the destruction of Los Angeles, a deep freeze across the rest of the country, rolling electrical grid blackouts, and trillions of dollars of roads and bridges in North Carolina that will never be rebuilt. Will the horrors predicted by the Deagel Group come to fruition? I don’t know, but I want to be prepared.”
When crazy friends aren’t so crazy
“For the past two decades, I have been completely obsessed with figuring out how to live well when major chaos and change is going on in the world. To learn how to survive – thrive even – when the world is falling apart, you don’t go to Martha Stewart.”
“You don’t tune in to the Kardashians, and you don’t look at Beyonce. I’ve sought out and spent time with people who live in the backwoods, way far away from civilization.”
“Some of these people don’t smell good, they often have lots of unkempt body hair, and the clothes they wear are more functional than fashionable. What looks like junk to us, is a treasure to them. They are not normally the kind of people you want to hang out with. Everything from nomads, hunter-gathers, rednecks, hermits, dumpster divers, hardcore survivalists, and barefoot crazies.”
“Most ‘normal’ people go to great lengths to avoid these outcasts. But I’m so grateful that I’ve befriended these crazy people. And I’m so grateful that they have followed the beat of a different drum and kept alive some super important skills. And you know what? Most of them are unaffected by what is going on. For the most part, they are healthy and well-fed. Some of them live so far out, they don’t even know what is going on right now.”
Primitive skills
“For the past decade, my daughter and I have also attended primitive skills gatherings. These are places where you can learn the skills ancient hunter-gathers all knew. How to tan skins with just the brains of the animal, how to navigate by the stars, how to purify water, how to hunt, and how to make medicine from plants.”
“I remember back before 2008 when being called a “Prepper” was a big insult. But I didn’t care. I developed more skills and began teaching others. And, while I don’t know if you are ever really prepared, I do have some skills.”
The skills most overlooked are the ones you most desperately need
“I grew up in the South. In high school I loved to play sports, and I was also in the chorus. Our teachers and coaches would often stop the bus on field trips to visit historical sites. Many of those sites were battlefields from the Civil war.”
“The focus was always on the men: who fought, who died, who won. I always wondered: what did the women and children do during those times? Who kept those men fed, made medicines, treated their wounds, managed the farms and ranches while the strongest were off fighting? How did families survive when the cupboards were bare and the tools melted down for weapons?”
“But, how do you handle the day-to-day of real life? How do you feed your family when the shelves are empty? How do you clean a wound when there is no doctor? How do you make shoes so you aren’t hobbled? How do you live when the fridge is out? Where can you find wild foods? How do you preserve food when you find a bounty?”
“In our modern age, who knows these skills and how can you acquire them?”
Skills transfer from people who really live this
“I knew that someday the skills, stories, and wisdom from all my crazy friends would become very important. Over two decades I’ve collected what I could learn from them. Sometimes I only got the info making a hand-held video while out in the bush, sometimes I had a video producer create beautiful footage, and sometimes I talked them through the technology of how to create a PowerPoint presentation.”
“And, I’ve managed to record a lot of really useful stuff. This is raw, real, and powerful information. What I’ve collected, I have gathered in the package of presentations I am calling the Off-Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft.
Securing your copy of the Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft ensures that you gain life-saving knowledge and life-changing skills to help you and your family navigate tough times in case of societal collapse or when the grid goes down.
If you don’t want to wait for the daily stream or simply want to learn more about the essential skills Marjory has collected and collated for you, you can purchase your copy of the Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft Bundle here.
You will get:
Your own exclusive copy of all 10 Educational Videos from the Free Stream:
Beginners Guide to Hunting Deer: How to harvest venison out of the forest
Foraging: Harvesting and Processing Acorns -- the abundant and delicious food that grows everywhere
Wild Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk: Look over the shoulder of an experienced wildcrafter as she gathers edible and medicinal plants
Treating Infections Without Antibiotics: These techniques have been used successfully for thousands of years and still work today
How To Make Sandals From Tires -- so you'll always have footwear (and these are built to last)
Living Without Refrigeration: Techniques for keeping food fresh when the grid is down for a long long time
Roadkill: How To Judge the Edibility of Found Meat -- how to know if that meat is safe to eat (and how to process it)
How to Make Mozzarella Cheese at Home -- for great pizza even after collapse
How To Build a Durable Low-Cost Hoop House -- so you can grow food year-round
For the kids! An inspiring 13-year-old girl who is a master Chicken Whisperer
Plus, these valuable Bonuses:
29 Bonus Videos
24 of the most useful wild plants you need to know for food and medicine.
The botany in a day program: so, you can become a Master of Plant identification.
The coming antibiotic apocalypse and how to prepare for it with Mike Adams.
Herbs for angst and anxiety so you and your family can stay calm in troubled times.
Trauma first aid: when you are the EMT - what to do when 9/11 is not coming.
The apocalypse apothecary: herbs you need to have on hand for when the unthinkable happens.
Treating wounds and lacerations with herbs (for when that hatchet accident happens).
Medicines from wild weeds are all around, this is how to identify and use them.
Treating a dislocated elbow with a poultice made from herbs.
Alternatives to dentists: natural herbs and treatment for keeping your teeth healthy when there is no dentist.
Home death care: how to take care of your dead.
What it's like to attend a primitive skills gathering and what you'll learn (be sure to take a good knife).
Property purchase checklist: use this checklist before you buy any property.
How to work with buckskin to make functional beautiful and long-lasting clothing.
Predicting the weather and learning cloud formations so you know what's coming next.
Create a home business producing laying hens: a.k.a. “flipping chickens” for fun and profit.
How to restore steep land using goats to increase productivity and fertility (plus meat and cheese).
How to preserve your food with water bath canning and pressure canning.
How to build a backyard smokehouse to store and preserve your meats.
How to cook on a wood-burning stove.
How to cook with a rocket stove (and make one too).
How to cook with the sun using a Sun Oven.
Predator identification: how to know what just killed your chickens.
10 strategies for growing food in radically changing weather (you’ll need to use at least three of these).
Building a secret greenhouse for survival so you can grow food without anyone knowing.
How to grow high quality, high protein, chicken feed using insects.
How to compost anything (even dead bodies).
Raising organic meat chickens with your family on a small farm so your freezer is full.
Edible landscaping makes a yard beautiful with lots of food hidden in plain sight.
21 Bonus eBooks
17 Shortcuts to Finding the Perfect Survival Retreat
How Much Land Does It Take?
How to Tan a Rabbit Hide?
Simple and Effective Watering System for Small Livestock.
The Garlic Report: Your First Home Medicine
Snakebite! The 5 Preps and How to Treat
Top 25 Herbs for Survival and Emergencies
DIY Automatic Chicken Door
50 Easy and Free Fertilizer
8 Herbal Preparations Chart
Home Medicine Kit Checklist
Acorns: Processing, Preparing and Storing
DIY Better Than Toothpaste – Powder Recipe
Hydration Handbook
Storing Water for an Emergency
Top 10 Survival Crops: How to Grow Them and Save the Seeds
Home Made Shampoo: The Ultimate Guide to Natural Hair Care
Universal Wild Plant Edibility Test
DIY Vinegar
7 Questions to Ask Your Dentist
Wild Lettuce Nature’s Gift for Pain Relief
A physical copy of The Grow System Book: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficient Living from Growing Food to Making Medicine
How much is this knowledge worth?
Once hyperinflation kicks in and a cup of coffee costs $1,000, being able to make your own medicine may literally be worth millions of dollars.
Researching, testing, verifying and collecting all this information is the culmination of decades of work. Every piece of information here has been carefully curated and verified to be the raw, real, truth. You will save years of time using this information -- that easily amounts to tens of thousands of dollars.
The Off-Grid Survival Toolkit is a digital set of39 unique video presentationsand21 eBookscovering crucial topics related to living,and thriving, during an extended emergency. Each presentation is anywhere from 38 minutes to well over an hour. And of course, it is all fully downloadable.
The full value of the complete bundle (including bonuses) is worth hundreds of dollars -- but you won’t have to pay that much. IF YOU PURCHASE BEFORE February 21st, 2025, you'll get a discount of up to 92% off!
Check out the full preview of the educational videos and bonuses that you will get upon purchase of the Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft Bundle.
Here’s what you can learn from the 10 videos from the Free Stream:
Day 1:Beginners Guide to Hunting Deer: How to harvest venison out of the forest
Join Marjory Wildcraft and Jackson Landers in this episode as they go over everything a beginner needs to know on how to hunt deer and harvest venison meat in the wild while experiencing the great outdoors and developing a deeper understanding of wildlife and ecosystems.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Understand the essential gears needed to successfully hunt a deer, from choosing an appropriate rifle to selecting suitable ammunition.
Learn about legal considerations before heading into the field, how to identify deer signs and how to approach your target stealthily.
Dive into responsible hunting techniques, humane harvesting methods, and how you can process venison for consumption.
Day 2: Foraging: Harvesting and Processing Acorns -- The abundant and delicious food that grows everywhere
This episode delves into the art of foraging by harvesting and processing acorns – one of the most abundant and nutritious food sources available everywhere. They are packed with essential nutrients, offering a well-rounded addition to your diet.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn how to properly identify edible acorns and ensure that you are collecting the correct species of acorns suitable for consumption.
Discover the necessary steps on how to remove tannins from acorns, making them safe and palatable.
Dive into the many different ways acorns can be transformed and used in various recipes, adding a unique flavor and nutritional boost to your meals.
Day 3: Wild Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk: Look over the shoulder of an experienced wildcrafter as she gathers edible and medicinal plants
Day 3 of Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft offers an immersive experience that allows you to observe and learn from seasoned wildcrafters as they identify and gather edible and medicinal plants in their natural habitat, where you will experience first-hand the art of foraging.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn from the foraging experts as they teach you how to safely identify and harvest wild plants that can come in handy in emergencies.
Discover how you can develop skills to source your food and medicine, reducing dependence on commercial products and increasing your resilience.
Dive into the greatness of nature and how you can rekindle your relationship with the natural world, gaining a deeper appreciation for the resources available in your environment.
Day 4: Treating Infections Without Antibiotics: These techniques have been used successfully for thousands of years and still work today
Join Marjory Wildcraft as she discusses time-tested methods that have been effectively used for centuries and remain relevant today. In this episode, you will discover how to handle infections without relying on conventional antibiotics, allowing you to heal naturally.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn crucial alternative treatments at your disposal, especially with the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Discover how to use herbal remedies for real infections, reducing dependence on pharmaceutical antibiotics.
Hear Marjory Wildcrafts’s personal experience of treating a venomous snakebite at home using natural methods, showcasing the effectiveness of these techniques.
Day 5: How to Make Sandals from Tires -- so you'll always have footwear (and these are built to last
We are excited to share a practical and eco-friendly skill that you can rely on anytime, anywhere: Crafting durable sandals from recycled tires. This not only ensures you always have reliable footwear but also promotes sustainable living, lowering your carbon footprint.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn how tires are designed to withstand hard conditions, making them an excellent and reliable material for long-lasting footwear.
Discover easy steps on how you can make your footwear and how repurposing old tires can offer a budget-friendly alternative to purchasing new shoes.
Dive into how upcycling reduces waste and minimizes environmental impact.
Day 6: Living Without Refrigeration: Techniques for keeping food fresh when the grid is down for a long long time
In today’s world, reliance on refrigeration is second nature. But what happens when the grid goes down? Day 6 of Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft offers invaluable insights into traditional food preservation techniques that have sustained generations without modern conveniences.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn the step-by-step process of water bath canning to safely preserve fruits, pickles and more. This method is both effective and accessible for home use.
Discover how to utilize cool, dark places to store root vegetables and hardy produce for extended periods without electricity.
Dive into techniques to remove moisture from fruits, vegetables, and meats, extending their shelf life and maintaining nutritional value.
Day 7: Roadkill: How to Judge the Edibility of Found Meat -- and how to know if that meat is safe to eat (and how to process it)
In our journey toward self-sufficiency, understanding how to safely harvest and process roadkill can be a valuable skill. Day 7 of Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft offers a comprehensive exploration of this topic.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn the critical factors to evaluate when determining if the found meat is safe to process and consume.
Discover reliable and easy methods for field dressing and preserving meat to ensure safety and longevity.
Dive into the legalities of harvesting roadkill in your area to ensure compliance with local regulations.
Day 8: How to Make Mozzarella Cheese at Home -- for great pizza even after collapse
Imagine crafting your mozzarella cheese at home, a skill that not only enhances your culinary repertoire but also ensures self-sufficiency in uncertain times. In Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft, Day 8 focuses on this essential skill, allowing you to create delicious, fresh mozzarella for your pizzas, even when traditional resources are unavailable.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn and master mozzarella-making, allowing you to reduce reliance on store-bought products while ensuring a steady supply of cheese for your meals.
Hear about the essential components and tools needed for mozzarella-making and follow a detailed guide through the cheese-making process.
Dive into the common challenges that you can face to achieve the perfect mozzarella every time.
Day 9: How to Build a Durable, Low-Cost Hoop House -- so you can grow food year-round
Imagine harvesting fresh, homegrown produce throughout the year, regardless of the season. With Marjory Wildcraft's expert guidance in today's episode of Off Grid Survival Skills, you can transform this vision into reality by building a low-cost hoop house that extends your growing seasons and enhances your food security.
Here's what you will learn from this episode:
Learn how to extend your growing season with a hoop house that creates a microclimate that protects plants from harsh weather.
Discover how constructing a hoop house is an effective and affordable solution to increasing your food production all year.
Dive into simple techniques for easy building, even for those with minimal construction experience.
Day 10: For the kids! An inspiring 13-year-old girl who is a master Chicken Whisperer
This episode of Off Grid Survival Skills, Marjory Wildcraft introduces an inspiring 13-year-old girl who has mastered the art of communicating with chickens. Her unique skills offer insightful lessons for anyone interested in sustainable living and animal husbandry.
Here’s what you will learn from this episode:
Learn and understand chicken behavior, how to interpret and respond to subtle cues, and how to foster a harmonious environment.
Discover simple yet powerful strategies to train chickens for tasks like egg collection and free-range management.
Gain insights into natural remedies and practices that support a thriving, disease-free flock.
Here are the 29 bonus videos that provide you with additional survival skills that can come handy in emergencies:
Twenty-four of the most useful wild plants you need to know for food and medicine
The botany in a day program: so you can become a master of plant identification
The coming antibiotic apocalypse and how to prepare for it with Mike Adams
Herbs for angst and anxiety so you and your family can stay calm in troubled times
Trauma first aid: when you are the EMT -- what to do when 911 is not coming
The apocalypse apothecary: herbs you need to have on hand for when the unthinkable happens
Treating wounds and lacerations with herbs (for when that hatchet accident happens)
Medicines from wild weeds, they are all around, this is how to identify and use them
Treating a dislocated elbow with a poultice made from herbs
Alternatives to dentists: natural herbs and treatment for keeping your teeth healthy when there is no dentist
Home death care: how to take care of your dead
What it's like to attend a primitive skills gathering and what you'll learn (be sure to take a good knife)
Property purchase checklist: use this checklist before you buy any property
How to work with buckskin to make functional, beautiful and long-lasting clothing
Predicting the weather and learning cloud formations so you know what's coming next
Create a home business producing laying hens: a.k.a. “flipping chickens” for fun and profit
How to restore steep land using goats to increase productivity and fertility (plus meat and cheese)
How to preserve your food with water bath canning and pressure canning
How to build a backyard smokehouse to store and preserve your meats
How to cook on a wood burning stove
How to cook with a rocket stove (and make one too)
How to cook with the sun using a Sun Oven
Predator identification: how to know what just killed your chickens
10 strategies for growing food in radically changing weather (you’ll need to use at least three of these)
Building a secret greenhouse for survival so you can grow food without anyone knowing
How to grow high quality, high protein, chicken feed using insects
How to compost anything (even dead bodies)
Raising organic meat chickens with your family on a small farm so your freezer is full
Edible landscaping making a yard beautiful with lots of food hidden in plain sight
Following that, you will also get 21 valuable eBooks that you should have in your library:
Seven shortcuts to finding the perfect survival retreat. This ebook will save you years of time and set you up to be in the perfect location.
How much land does it take to grow all of your own food? You'll be surprised at how little you need.
How to tan a rabbit hide. A simple technique for being able to utilize more of the animal and make hats, scarves, blankets and more.
A simple and effective off-grid watering system for livestock. This is a great project to do on the weekend with kids.
Your first home medicine! Garlic is an easy to use, powerful, and potent antibiotic. This ebook will show you how to get started.
Snake bite! Five preparations and how to successfully treat a snake bite at home.
The top 25 herbs for survival and emergencies. This is a great list to start from, how many of these do you know?
DIY automatic chicken coop door opener you can make from simple car parts in a weekend.
Fifty easy and free homemade fertilizers to power up your garden and massively increase production.
CHART of the eight herbal preparations every home medicine maker needs to know. They're pretty easy, your great grandmother knew all these!
CHECKLIST: What's in your home medicine kit? Make sure you've got these items, so you're prepared.
Acorns -- collecting, processing, preparing, and storing this delicious native food source.
DIY better than toothpaste ‘tooth powder’ that is simple and easy to make for just pennies.
The hydration handbook: Know how to keep yourself fully hydrated at all times (it's the simplest way to stay healthy).
Storing water for emergencies: an essential guide to making sure you're never thirsty.
The top 10 survival crops and how to grow them. A super important ebook for every prepper.
Homemade shampoo: The Ultimate Guide for Hair Care using native wild plants that are all around you.
Universal Wild Plant Edibility Test with a complete process to ensure that plant is safe to eat.
DIY vinegar: how to make your own vinegars at home, especially those delicious herbal vinegars for salad dressings.
Seven questions to ask your dentist to see if they're really holistic or not.
Homemade painkiller: wild lettuce is nature's gift for pain relief. Learn how to make this simple but effective (non-addicting) pain relief medication
Of course, let’s not forget the physical copy of The Grow System Book that will be delivered directly at your doorstep.
The Grow System book is a physical reference for the most important skills. The book includes the three part system for growing at least half of your own food in your backyard. It includes diagrams for chicken coops and designs for rabbit houses. There are reference charts and breeding templates. The book also includes sections on home medicine and how to treat the 12 most common ailments that come up in a family.
You’ll also note that many of the bonuses are specifically meant to help you make fertilizer and feed your livestock once the farm stores close down. If the grocery stores close, the feed stores will all close too. These extra bonuses are designed to be there for you so you can live well under deteriorating conditions.
Here are some testimonials:
Teresa Kuhn - verified purchaser.
***** 5.0 out of 5 stars
Gave me a plan and the inspiration I’ll succeed
It certainly does appear that world events are speeding up. Our systems appear to be breaking down. How much time do we have? Marjory had the foresight to know this was coming. She is not some dumb ‘hippy’ – she is a very powerful woman with previous successful careers in engineering and business. She dropped all that intentionally to find the best ways to teach people how to produce food and medicine very quickly during tough times. Her experience and care really come through in her writing. Marjory's book lays out a simple step-by-step program that showed me exactly what to do. And her stories inspired me that YES! I can do this.
April J McLean
***** 5.0 out of 5 stars
Helpful, fun, & informative
Reviewed in the United States on September 23, 2023
Verified Purchase
I’m captivated by this book!
Robert Lyons
***** 5.0 out of 5 stars
Opens a lot of doors to self-reliance
Reviewed in Canada on June 15, 2021
Verified Purchase
I don't read a lot of books lately, but this one stays on the bed-side table. Marjory Wildcraft draws on years of doing it herself - plus an amazing large network of homesteaders, gardeners, preppers. I've changed several things in my home and garden because Marjory has better ways to do it. Each section tells you why you might want to do it, and step by step how at a human level. As a radio host I talk with a lot of experts on resilience, but Marjory remains my favorite. Out of a fog of B.S. and disinformation about how to live life, this book stands out as the one to get.
Do you know any of these influencers?
Because Marjory has been teaching people how to prepare for over two decades, she has worked with thousands of radio hosts, tv shows, bloggers, journalists and podcasters. Many of these have become good friends. They are familiar with her work and recommend it. You may have seen her on their shows.
Here are just a few:
- Mike Adams, Brighteon
- David Dubyne, Adapt 2030
- Robert Scott Bell
- The Dangerous Info Podcast with Jessi Jymes and Outcast
- Dave Asprey Bulletproof Coffee
- Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad
- George Noori, Coast 2 Coast AM
- National Geographic “Doomsday Preppers”
- Lynette Zang, ITM Trading
- Mother Earth News
- Jeff Berwick, Anarchapulco
- John Bush, Live Free Academy
- John B. Wells, Caravan to Midnight
- Vincent Finelli, USA Prepares
- Ernest Hancock, Freedom’s Phoenix
- Seth Holehouse, Man in America
- Jonathan Otto, Health Secrets
- Charlie Robinson, Macro Agressions Podcast
- Dave Krieger, Power Hour Nation
- Bix Weir, Road to Roota
- Sarah Westall, Business Game Changers
- Glenn Meder, Privacy Academy
- Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity
- Jeff Anderson, Warrior Life Int’l
- Del Bigtree, the Highwire
- Jean Nolan, The Inspired Channel
- G. Edward Griffin - The Creature From Jekyl Island
- Jim Gale, Food Forest Abundance
And there are hundreds of thousands of people just like you who Marjory has been able to help.
What is this Vital Information worth to YOU?
The full value of this information is priceless.
It has taken Marjory years to gather and record these presentations. The time, the travel, developing the relationships and extensive testing. Google is completely clueless when it comes to truly gaining these kinds of skills. And, good luck wading through all the junk on YouTube.
According to Marjory, a friend suggested that the bundle should be valued at $1,075 for the videos and $597 for the ebooks,which would make atotal value of $1,672(priced at $25 per item).
But, that’s ridiculous right now. She knows times are tough. She knows you are in a difficult spot. She knows you are worried. How much do you think this information is worth to you?
We are humans. We are fighting for our freedom. The “overlords” have controlled us for millennia. In the coming chaos, this is our chance to become free.
We are all in this together. These skills, stories and wisdom from all Marjory’s “crazy” friends will help you create a sense of calm in your life as you regain the knowledge of how to rely on yourself, especially when everything seems to be falling apart. Her Off-Grid Survival Bundle represents over two decades of extensive (and often expensive) training she has learned along her own journey to self-sufficiency. She believes these skills will only become more important as we wade through rough times.
Remember,this is raw, immediately useful and powerful information.
Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of the Grow Network, which is the online home of a global community of people who are producing their own food and medicine. The purpose of the Grow Network is to stop the destruction of the Earth. "Homegrown food on every table" is a solution.
Marjory has been featured as an expert on sustainable living by National Geographic, she has hosted Mother Earth New’s “Online Homesteading Summit,” is a returning guest on many national radios and tv programs such as Coast to Coast AM.
She is also the author of several books but is best known for her "Grow Your Own Groceries" video series, which is used by more than 1,000,000 homesteaders, survivalists, universities, and missionary organizations around the world.