Still on the fence about purchasing your copy of Off Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft? Listen to what she has to say.
The skills you need for when the emergency lasts a long time
“Hyperinflation, devastating floods, supply chain failures, extreme heat and cold, global pandemics, DEW fires, drought, dollar devaluation, power outages, food shortages, water contamination. The 2020s have not started well for most of us.”
I’ve been prepared for decades. I knew disruptions were on the horizon. But, I never thought some of what we've experienced would happen so quickly. Not too long ago, my elderly mother died peacefully in her sleep. Of course, I knew it was going to happen sometime (she was 93 years old and bedridden). But when it did happen, although it wasn’t a surprise, it certainly was a shock.”
I’ve known for many years that the crisis we are facing now will happen. And, like my mom dying, it wasn’t a surprise, but it still was a shock. I bet it’s a shock for you, too. The worst of it is that there's no end in sight. And it's all only likely to get worse as our "modern" systems continue to fail us.”
It’s 2025, and the Deagel Report predicts two-thirds of Americans will die this year
“Who knows if the well-funded, CIA-backed, military think tank ”The Deagel Group” is correct or not? But this year has already started with the destruction of Los Angeles, a deep freeze across the rest of the country, rolling electrical grid blackouts, and trillions of dollars of roads and bridges in North Carolina that will never be rebuilt. Will the horrors predicted by the Deagel Group come to fruition? I don’t know, but I want to be prepared.”
When crazy friends aren’t so crazy
“For the past two decades, I have been completely obsessed with figuring out how to live well when major chaos and change is going on in the world. To learn how to survive – thrive even – when the world is falling apart, you don’t go to Martha Stewart.”
“You don’t tune in to the Kardashians, and you don’t look at Beyonce. I’ve sought out and spent time with people who live in the backwoods, way far away from civilization.”
“Some of these people don’t smell good, they often have lots of unkempt body hair, and the clothes they wear are more functional than fashionable. What looks like junk to us, is a treasure to them. They are not normally the kind of people you want to hang out with. Everything from nomads, hunter-gathers, rednecks, hermits, dumpster divers, hardcore survivalists, and barefoot crazies.”
“Most ‘normal’ people go to great lengths to avoid these outcasts. But, I’m so grateful that I’ve befriended these crazy people. And, I’m so grateful that they have followed the beat of a different drum and kept alive some super important skills. And you know what? Most of them are unaffected by what is going on. For the most part, they are healthy and well-fed. Some of them live so far out, they don’t even know what is going on right now.”
Primitive skills
“For the past decade, my daughter and I have also attended primitive skills gatherings. These are places where you can learn the skills ancient hunter-gathers all knew. How to tan skins with just the brains of the animal, how to navigate by the stars, how to purify water, how to hunt, and how to make medicine from plants.”
“I remember back before 2008 when being called a “Prepper” was a big insult. But, I didn’t care. I developed more skills and began teaching others. And, while I don’t know if you are ever really prepared, I do have some skills.”
The skills most overlooked are the ones you most desperately need
“I grew up in the South. In high school I loved to play sports and I was also in the chorus. Our teachers and coaches would often stop the bus on field trips to visit historical sites. Many of those sites were battlefields from the Civil war.”
“The focus was always on the men: who fought, who died, who won. I always wondered: what did the women and children do during those times? Who kept those men fed, made medicines, treated their wounds, managed the farms and ranches while the strongest were off fighting? How did families survive when the cupboards were bare and the tools melted down for weapons?”
“But, how do you handle the day-to-day of real life? How do you feed your family when the shelves are empty? How do you clean a wound when there is no doctor? How do you make shoes so you aren’t hobbled? How do you live when the fridge is out? Where can you find wild foods? How do you preserve food when you find a bounty?”
“In our modern age, who knows these skills and how can you acquire them?”
Skills transfer from people who really live this
“I knew that someday the skills, stories, and wisdom from all my crazy friends would become very important. Over two decades I’ve collected what I could learn from them. Sometimes I only got the info making a hand-held video while out in the bush, sometimes I had a video producer create beautiful footage, and sometimes I talked them through the technology of how to create a powerpoint presentation.”
“And, I’ve managed to record a lot of really useful stuff. This is raw, real, and powerful information. What I’ve collected, I have gathered in the package of presentations I am calling the Off-Grid Survival Skills by Marjory Wildcraft.”